Markdown Syntax Supported by MDFriday

What is Markdown Syntax Supported by MDFriday?

1. Headings

  • Syntax:

    # Heading 1
    ## Heading 2
    ### Heading 3
    #### Heading 4
    ##### Heading 5
    ###### Heading 6
  • Effect: Different levels of headings.

2. Paragraphs

  • Syntax:

    This is a paragraph.
    This is another paragraph.
  • Effect: A blank line is required between paragraphs.

3. Bold and Italic Text

  • Syntax:

    **Bold text**
    __Bold text__
    *Italic text*
    _Italic text_
  • Effect: Supports both bold and italic text styles.

4. Unordered List

  • Syntax:

    - Item 1
    - Item 2
      - Sub-item 1
      - Sub-item 2
  • Effect: Standard unordered list, with sub-lists.

5. Ordered List

  • Syntax:

    1. Item 1
    2. Item 2
    3. Item 3
  • Effect: Renders as an ordered list.

  • Syntax:

    [Link text](
  • Effect: Standard link that navigates to the specified URL when clicked.

7. Images

  • Syntax:

    ![Image description](
  • Effect: Embeds an image.

8. Blockquote

  • Syntax:

    > This is a blockquote.
  • Effect: Renders the blockquote text.

9. Code Blocks

  • Syntax:

    • Inline code: Use backticks `code`.

    • Multiline code:

      code content
  • Effect: Supports inline code and multiline code blocks with syntax highlighting.

10. Horizontal Line

  • Syntax:

  • Effect: Displays a horizontal line.

11. Task List

  • Syntax:

    - [ ] Incomplete task
    - [x] Completed task
  • Effect: Renders a task list.

12. Tables

  • Syntax:

    | Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
    | Data 1   | Data 2   | Data 3   |
    | Data 4   | Data 5   | Data 6   |
  • Effect: Renders a table.

13. Inline HTML

  • Syntax:

    <div>This is HTML code.</div>
  • Effect: Markdown allows inserting HTML, which is preserved during rendering.

14. Inline HTML Tags

  • Syntax:

    <span>Inline HTML</span>
  • Effect: Inline HTML tags are also rendered correctly.

15. Footnotes

  • Syntax:

    This is a footnote[^1].
    [^1]: Here is the footnote content.
  • Effect: Supports footnotes.

16. Metadata (Front Matter)

  • Syntax:

    title: "My Post"
    date: 2025-02-25
    tags: ["Hugo", "Markdown"]
  • Effect: Use Front Matter to configure page metadata.

17. Nested Lists

  • Syntax:

    - Level 1 list
      - Level 2 list
        - Level 3 list
  • Effect: Renders nested lists.

18. Mathematical Formulas (Some Templates)

  • Syntax:

    $y = mx + b$
  • Effect: Some templates support rendering mathematical formulas.